
About me

     Hello! I am Dina Papachristou. I was born and lived in Greece until I moved here 3 years ago. In Greece I did my BA in English Language and Literature, and I worked as a teacher of English as a foreign language for 20 years until I moved here in 2012. At Cal Poly, I did my first MA program in English.
     Now I'm just starting my second MA in Educational Multimedia. To be honest, I am really worried because I don't belong to the generation of digital natives. When I moved here, I used to say that I'm technology illiterate. Now, after my first MA, I have moved on to the continuum, but I still consider myself rather beginner; that is why this quarter I'm only taking this introductory course. The only good thing about me is that when I want to achieve something, I am very hardworking, resilient, and persistent - even stubborn since I don't easily quit.
     Seeing what technology can do in the field of education, I decided to start the Educational Multimedia Masters program. I have read about and experienced flipped classes, and I look forward to designing such classes. It is also well known that today's students are more than open to technology. Since I love teaching, I do want to explore the combination of teaching and technology. I am sure that teaching has a lot to gain from such a combination.


  1. Hi Dina,

    I think it's great that you're trying to use more technology. It is being used so heavily in schools today with the new technology standards. I hope that you learn a lot this quarter! See you in class!

  2. Hi Dina,
    I am glad to be your classmate! I too would like to learn how technology can help students today. It would be great to get to talk one of these days. I think I can learn a lot from your experiences.

  3. Hi Dina,
    I am glad to be your classmate! I too would like to learn how technology can help students today. It would be great to get to talk one of these days. I think I can learn a lot from your experiences.

  4. Hi Dina,

    You did very well today. So far it's Dina "2" and Technology "0." You'll show them who's boss.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words, but I hope that my relation with technology won't be a constant, relentless competition because I'm going to be the one to lose at the end.

  5. Hi Dina,
    You are great, you already complete a MA program! Since my mother language is not English, so hope you can help me with my English as an English teacher:)


    1. Of course, Florence, I can help you. Do not hesitate to talk to me about any of your problems with English. And maybe you can help me with the problems I will have during this new MA, my new adventure.
